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Veronika Pandi - Zsolt Varga | memoQ 9.3
memoQ 9.3 is coming! Integration with Amazon MT, new memoQWeb features for project management, a revamped task management interface in memoQWebTrans, new options to add and remove multiple TBs and TMs to/from a project at once, and more. Register now, and learn more about all the new features! En savoir plus
Hello, memoQ 9.3!
Veronika Pandi & Zsolt Varga - Product owners
This video takes you through the whole process of using memoQ for translation and review with Trados Studio files. En savoir plus
Translate your Trados files with memoQ
Gergely Vándor
Hello memoQ 9.1 webinar
memoQ 9.1 brings an integration with Antidote for quality assurance, a new Intento machine translation gateway that provides access to 20+ MT engines, as well as a new PDF preview tool, among many other features! En savoir plus
Hello, memoQ 9.1!
Veronika Pandi & Zsolt Varga - Product Owners